Smartphone Control at Home and Business: Does It Make Sense?

Gone are the dates when the manual locks were enough to protect your home and office premises. In fact, with advanced technology, the invaders often fail the smart lock system. The only way is to keep an eye on your entrance 24/7 to prevent such mishaps from happening! Is it possible? Actually, with smartphone control surveillance, YES!

You can monitor every minute detail while managing the home and office security from anywhere! Do you want to ensure more about it? Keep on reading today’s post, then!

Smartphone control

How does smartphone control keep your premises secure?

Needless to say, the crime rates and burglaries are more active these days. Yet, whether it’s home or office, you need to keep all safe and sound. Here’s HOW the smartphone control can help you do so:

Smart door locks

While at home, you have many thighs to do except opening the doors every time someone comes! Also, you sometimes miss locking those in a rush that can let any unfamiliar one in on your absence. With smartphone control, you can ensure if you have locked the door, and when you didn’t, you can do so just with a click! You need not come back to close or check the entrance.

Keep a check on every activity!

Do you run an office while kids are alone at home? Well, you can take a close look at each and every movement of your children and staff on your phone screen sitting at your cabin. All you need is to install smart cameras, and it will allow you to have smartphone control access.

Invader’s alarm

Smartphone control is the best way to prevent burglars and invaders from breaking into your home and office premises. It can help you detect every person at your entrance while getting notifications if that one is an unfamiliar person. Hence, you can check immediately what’s happening in your space!


The best part of using smartphone control for your property security is that you can access that from anywhere, anytime. Even at midnight, it can send you an emergency alarm from the office premises if anything happens. Therefore, you can check, leap out of bed, and rush there if required!

Do you need any help?

While after an affordable security solution, smartphone control could be the best option! And TELCAVOIP INTERNATIONAL is the best place to stay connected for this! They offer IP video surveillance to monitor your space anytime, anywhere! Visit to learn more!


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